今日NBA重要伤停08:30 湖人 VS 骑士雷迪什、八村垒、文森特、范德比尔特:缺席米切尔、奥科罗、迪恩-韦德、泰-杰罗姆 、卢比奥 :缺席10:30 鹈鹕 VS 爵士锡安、马特-瑞安、C.J-麦科勒姆、特雷-墨菲三世:缺席马尔卡宁、克拉克森:缺席沃克-凯斯勒:可能出战11:30 独行侠 VS 快船德里克-莱弗利、马克西-克勒贝尔:缺席梅森-普拉姆利、波士顿:缺席专家推荐【徐长胜】足球18中16 带来11月26日晚间19:30意甲 卡利亚里 VS 蒙扎;21:30荷甲 尼美根 VS 前进之鹰【崔杨】足球5连红 带来11月26日晚间22:00英超 热刺 VS 阿斯顿维拉【7皇爷】篮球10连红 带来11月26日早间08:30NBA 湖人 VS 骑士;08:30NBA 鹈鹕 VS 爵士;11:30NBA 独行侠 VS 快船今日热点赛事今日上午08:30,NBA 湖人 VS 骑士;鹈鹕 VS 爵士,7皇爷(10连红),早间11:30NBA 独行侠 VS 快船,足球老炮儿(13中11)等专家将带来精彩解析,敬请关注!
发布时间:2024-11-10 05:08 另外一处成心思的片断,是在早晨的纽约,开宝贵跑车逾越哈德逊河回公司的路上,一个华尔街老兵教育新人的话:"If you really want to do this with your life you have to believe that youre necessary. And you are. People want to live like this in their cars and their big fucking houses that they cant even pay for? Then youre necessary. The only reason they all get to continue living like kings is because weve got our fingers on the scales in their favor. I take my hand off and the whole world gets really fucking fair really fucking quickly and nobody actually wants that. They say they do but they dont. They want what we have to give them, but they also want to play innocent and pretend they have no idea where it came from. Thats more hypocrisy than Im willing to swallow. Fuck them. Fuck normal people."短短几句话,绝不传教,刹时让这部片子和inside job之流的文艺青年说教片高低立现。